Tuesday, February 18, 2025
HomeHuman Resource and AdministrationSOP for handling accident in the factory premises

SOP for handling accident in the factory premises

SOP for handling accident in the factory premises


1.1 To describe the procedure for action to be taken in case of accident.
1.2 To describe the type of injuries and its treatment.
1.3 To describe the names of the nursing homes and the mode of shifting the injured person to the nursing home.

2.0 SCOPE :

This SOP covers the action to be taken in case of any accident.


It will be a joint responsibility of all concerned departments heads


4.1 In case of Minor  Accident :-
4.1.1 Trained first aider  (Annexure III – List of trained first aiders)shall render necessary first aid to the injured as per the appropriate need ( Annexure V) using “FIRST AID” box provided as per list enclosed (Annexure IV)  
4.1.2 If condition is beyond control or doctors intervention required , shift the injured to [nearest hospital decided by company] immediately. For the purpose of shifting take help of available vehicle.
 4.1.3 Department Head , HR Head and Safety Head shall be informed on telephone by  departmental personnel. List of contact nos ( intercom and mobile ) is available at security office.
4.1.4 Report the accident through standard ACCIDENT REPORT ( Annexure – I ) 
4.1.5 Accident Investigation to be carried out by Team consisting of a) Person injured or witness present at the time of accident c) Dept Officer / Head d) Safety Officer / Head. Corrective and Preventive actions arising out of Investigation to be implemented. 
4.1.6 Feedback on recovery of injured person and resuming on duty to be taken by HR Department.
4.2 In case of Major  Accident :-
4.2.1 The accident-affected area shall be evacuated and cordoned off immediately.           
4.2.2 Only trained and experienced personnel shall approach the area using suitable personnel protective equipment and arrange for controlling the cause of accident.
4.2.3 If required plant may be shut down in safe manner.
4.2.4 Rescue the person trapped/injured
4.2.5 Trained first aider (Annexure III – List of trained first aiders)shall render necessary first aid to the injured as per the appropriate need ( Annexure V )
4.2.6 Transfer injured to   Security Office for First Aid
4.2.7 If condition is beyond control or doctors intervention required if any , shift the injured to [nearest hospital]  immediately. For the purpose of shifting take help of available vehicle.
4.2.8 Plant Head , Department Head , HR Head and Safety Head shall be informed on Telephone by departmental  personnel. List of contact nos (intercom and mobile) is available with each department/ Security Office.
4.2.9 If required, other shall assemble at assembly point at Security Main Gate
4.2.10 Roll call to be taken by Time Keeping / Security personnel to ascertain whether anybody is still inside.
4.2.11 Report the accident through standard ACCIDENT REPORT ( Annexure – I ) 
4.2.12 Accident Investigation to be carried out by Team consisting of a) Person injured or witness present at the time of accident c) Dept Officer / Head d) Safety Officer / Head. Corrective and Preventive actions arising out of Investigation to be implemented and filled in Annexure-II
4.2.13 Feedback on recovery of injured person and resuming on duty to be taken by HR Dept  

5.0 ANNEXURE(S):  :

Annexure – I: Accident Report Format. [Not provided here]
Annexure – II: Analysis of Accident. [Not provided here]
Annexure – III: List of trained First aid Personnel [Not provided here]
Annexure –IV: List of FIRST AID BOXES provided to  various departments 
Annexure – V: Types of Injuries and its first aid Treatments.


Sr. No.

Name of  the Department

Location / Area














Type of Injury [To be identified by company appointed medical officer]
First aid Treatment [To be identified by company appointed medical officer]


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