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HomeQuality AssuranceSOP for Management of Scrap

SOP for Management of Scrap

SOP for Management of Scrap


To lay down the procedure for management of scrap.            

2.0 SCOPE: 

This SOP covers the management of scrap generated in different departments of  the Plant.


All department heads to ensure the compliance.


4.1 Scrap generated in different departments of the plant includes to but not limited to following items.

4.2 Packing department (Production).

4.2.1 Rejected Blisters / Bottles without Tablet/capsule.

4.2.2 Outer packing of various packing components like corrugated boxes, polythene sheets, Paper sheets etc.

4.2.3 Rejected unprinted packing components like labels, show boxes / cartons, plastic trays leaflets plastic bags, plastic containers and corrugated box.

4.2.4 Rejected primary packing components like , aluminum foil, PVC/ PVDC coated PVC film, Poly bags, cotton, bottles, cap etc.

4.2.5 Used gloves, used clothes etc.

4.2.6 Used stereos.

4.2.7 In process labels

4.2.8 Polythene bags and tying thread used for dispensed materials.

4.3 Manufacturing Department (Production)

4.3.1 Polythene bags and tying thread used for dispensed materials.

4.3.2 Rejected FBD bags and sieves.

4.3.3 Rejected machine parts like punches, dies, sieves and screens and spares.

4.3.4 Used gloves and used clothes.

4.3.5 Rejected filters of AHU system.

4.4 Raw material stores

4.4.1 Empty raw material containers plastic drums, paper board drums, bottles, metal containers etc.

4.4.2 Waste poly bags and  paper like in-process labels and outer covering.

4.4.3 Used cloth.

4.4.4 Used gloves.

4.4.5 Rejected filters of AHU system.

4.5 Packing material stores

4.5.1 Outer covering of packing materials like paper board sheets, plastic sheets, container and corrugated boxes.

4.5.2 Destructed Rejected packing materials / obsolete packaging material.

4.5.3 Waste paper like in process labels and other waste paper.

4.6 Quality Control Department

4.6.1 Empty reagent containers like glass / plastic bottles / box.

4.6.2 Broken glass containers.

4.6.3 Waste materials like labels, paper, poly bags etc.

4.6.4 Samples of packing component remaining after analysis.

4.6.5 Rejected filters of AHU in microbiological lab.

4.6.6 Clothes and gloves.

4.6.7 Rejected HPLC and GC column.

4.7 Finished goods Stores

4.7.1 Waste materials like labels, polybags, corrugated boxes.

4.8 Quality Assurance Department

4.8.1 Control samples and documents of expired products.

4.8.2 Waste papers like rejected documents, inprocess labels and other waste papers.

4.8.3 Waste generated labels, corrugated boxes, blister / strip / Bottles during periodic control sample review, stability sample withdrawal and Discontinuation.

4.8.4 Analytical documents for destruction (QA).

4.9 Engineering Department

4.9.1 Empty metal / plastic container of engine oils / grease.

4.9.2 Rejected machine parts / change part for disposal.

4.9.3 Empty plastic / metal / glass containers from R.O. water plant.

4.9.4 Rejected filters of AHU system.

4.9.5 Rejected / used spare parts.

4.9.6 Broken glasses.

4.9.7 Damaged gauges / instruments etc.

4.9.8 Sludge from ETP.

4.9.9 Waste from chimney. 

4.10 Administration Department

4.10.1 Waste paper / plastic covers, stationery from the office.

4.10.2 Empty plastic / glass containers of different cleaning and sanitizing agents.

4.10.3 Waste generated from canteen.

4.10.4 Waste material collected during cleaning of plant.

4.11 HANDLING OF SCRAP WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT (Following procedure to be followed in case not defined in the department SOP).

4.11.1 Tear all the waste paper before disposing in to the waste bin.

4.11.2 In case of overprinted / printed / hand written paper / batch documents, ensure by tearing off that its identity is destroyed before final disposal.

4.11.3 Deface all the labels on the empty glass / plastic containers, corrugated boxes, outer packing materials like paper / plastic covers by marking “X” prominently with dark marker pen.

4.11.4 Tear all the printed cartons / show boxes and ensure destruction of their identity before disposing in the waste bin.

4.11.5 Put all types of broken glass in to the waste bin before final disposal.

4.11.6 Keep the rejected filters, aluminium seals in labeled waste bins before final disposal.

4.11.7 In case of blisters / strips / Bottles containing tablets/capsules, remove the tablet/capsule.  Keep the defoiled strips, empty bottle and empty blisters in waste bins before disposal.

4.11.8 In case of any used liquid container to be disposed ensure that it is completely empty.

4.11.9 Cut the membrane filters / cartridge filters into pieces before disposing.

4.11.10 Cut the overprinting stereos in to pieces before disposal.

4.11.11 Cut the FBD bags in to pieces before disposal.

4.11.12 De-shape the rejected punches to destroy the identity before disposal.

4.11.13 Damaged screens and sieves.

4.12 TRANSFER OF SCRAP FROM THE DEPARTMENT TO SCRAP HOLDING AREA (Following procedure to be followed in case not defined in department SOP)

4.12.1 Transfer all the scrap accumulated in the department in to the intermediate scrap holding area daily.

4.12.2 Collect all the paper / plastic waste from the waste bins in the department in to poly bags. Close the bag firmly by tying the top and transfer to the intermediate scrap holding area.

4.12.3 Transfer all the scrap from administration, QC through the passageway outside the plant and from warehouse transfer  the scrap through lift.

4.12.4 Close the containers polybag holding the scrap tightly at the time of transfer.


4.13.1 Process and dispose the scrap daily.

4.13.2 Keep the scrap separately in the holding area in dedicated cabins as per the following classification.

4.13.3 Empty Blisters/ strips, foils for shredding area.

4.13.4 Garbage area.

4.13.5 Material for Disposal area.

4.13.6 Empty drums area.

4.13.7 Miscellaneous items.

4.13.8 Shredding area.

4.13.9 Feed the empty Blisters/ deblistered in to the shredding machine and ensure that the packs are shred in to small pieces. Collect the shredded material in plastic bags.

4.13.10 Check all the other items like plastic containers, glass bottles, and reagent bottles for correct defacing of labels.

4.13.11 Finally transfer all the processed scrap in to the adjacent chamber .


4.14.1 Inspect the scrap kept in the dedicated room by QA personnel on daily basis and fill the checklist as per annexure III.

4.14.2 Check and ensure that the identity of all printed / over printed materials is destroyed by shredding in to small pieces.

4.14.3 Check and ensure that all the labels on all the containers are correctly defaced.

4.14.4 If the above checks are found to be complied and make the necessary entry in Annexure-I and clear the scrap for final disposal.

4.14.5 Rejected / obsolete printed aluminum foil is made non usable by manually drilling on the roll or by cutting with cutter or by crushing in shredding m/c within factory premises in presence of QA and store personnel.

4.14.6 Burn Rejected / obsolete printed paper packing viz show boxes and insert within factory premises in presence of QA and Warehouse personnel.


4.15.1 Weigh the scrap and enter the details of item and the weight in the Annexure-II.

4.15.2 Load each item into the vehicle.

4.15.3 Ensure that the details are checked and countersigned by security Supervisor.

4.15.4 Prepare a gate pass mentioning all the items being dispatched.

4.15.5 Countercheck the details in gate pass with the scrap yard register. If found correct, allow the vehicle to pass.


Annexure-I: Daily inspection of processed scrap

Annexure-II: Weight record of the scrap

Annexure-III: Checklist for Inspection of Scrap Yard by Quality Assurance.


Annexure – I: Daily Inspection of Processed Scrap.




Description of Scrap

Security Officer

Verified by QA officer

Annexure – II: Weight record of the scrap

Sr. No.


Description of Scrap


Unit of Measurement

Gate pass No.

Weight Performed By

Verified By


Annexure – III Checklist for Inspection of Scrap Yard by Quality Assurance

Sr. No. and Check Points

01. Inspect the scrap kept in the dedicated area

02. Check and ensure that the identity of all printed / over printed materials is destroyed by shredding it in to small pieces.

03. Check and ensure that all the labels on all the containers are correctly defaced by putting “X”

04. Rejected / obsolete printed aluminum foil (if any) is made non usable by manually drilling on the roll or by cutting with cutter or crushing in shredding m/c within Scrap yard 

05. Ensure printed packing material (if any) is Burn/shredded in scrap yard.

06. Check and ensure that the reagent containers like glass / plastic bottles / box are empty

07. Check and ensure that metal / plastic containers of engine oils / grease are empty

08. Check and ensure that raw material containers plastic drums, paper board drums, bottles, metal containers etc. are empty

09. Check and ensure that strips/blisters / bottles are without tablet / capsule

10. Check and ensure that Analytical documents are for destruction

11. Check and ensure that membrane filters, Cartridge filters , overprinting stereos, FBD bags, into pieces. 

12. Check and ensure that rejected punches are deshaped for its identity.

13. Check and ensure that screens and sieves are damaged to their identity.

14. Any other observation; Specify.





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