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HomeWarehouseSOP for Entry and Exit Procedure in Raw and Packing Materials Stores

SOP for Entry and Exit Procedure in Raw and Packing Materials Stores

SOP for Entry and Exit Procedure in Raw and Packing Materials Stores


To lay down procedure for entry and exit in Raw and Packing Material stores.                

2.0 SCOPE:   

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) describes the gowning and degowning procedure for entry and exit in raw and packing material stores.


3.1 Store Personnel and visitors to follow the SOP

3.2 Store In charge to ensure compliance


4.1 Entry to raw and packing material stores only for authorized persons as per current authorized list.

4.2 Entry to the Raw and Packing material Stores during start of shift

4.2.1 Collect the main entry store key from security office by authorized store personnel during the start of shift / as and when required.

4.2.2 Collect Fresh uniform from linen room, every alternate day. Though incase if uniforms becomes dirty during use at any point of time, it shall be changed and fresh uniform shall be collected from linen room.

4.2.3 Open personal locker, take out company’s slipper, remove street shoes, wear company’s slipper and keep street shoes in the locker.

4.2.4 Take out and wear caps and then apron over street cloth.

4.2.5 Close the personal locker and move to raw and packing material stores.

4.2.6 Ensure proper sealing is there on the lock before unlocking, tear and dispose the seal and open the lock with the key collected from Security.

4.2.7 Show smart card in front of the monitoring instrument (star-100). Monitoring instrument (star-100)

4.2.8 After hearing the music tone, push the door and enter inside.

4.2.9 In case if monitoring instrument is out of order, intimate maintenance department for rectification. In this case, point nos. 4.2.7 and 4.2.8 are not applicable and one can directly push the door and enter inside. 

4.2.10 Switch on required lights inside and keep the key in respective keyboard inside store office.

4.3 Entry to the Raw and Packing material stores during working hours

4.3.1 Follow procedure from point nos. 4.2.3 to 4.2.5 and 4.2.7 to 4.2.9

Note: Smart card is issued and to be retained in their personal custody for raw and packing material stores employees as per Annexure-II.

Note: One smart card is kept on the security office inside emergency cage for using on emergency occasions in absence of store personnel after taking permission from store Head / Plant Head or their designees.

4.4 Exit from Raw and Packing material stores during the end of the shift

4.4.1 Switch off all the lights/fans.

4.4.2 Prepare the “Sealed” label for sealing the lock of main entry.

4.4.3 Push the switch button beside the exit door; pull the door and exit.

4.4.4 Lock the Main entry and seal it with sealed label.

4.4.5 Remove the slipper, open and keep it in personal locker and wear your own shoes.

4.4.6 Remove the apron and caps and keep them in personal locker. (Give the used uniform at the linen counter for washing, every alternate day, after the completion of the day / as and when required).

4.4.7 Submit the key to security personnel and entry in register.

4.5 Exit from the Raw and Packing material stores during working hours

4.5.1 Push the switch button beside the exit door; pull the door and exit.

4.5.2 Remove slipper, open and keep it in personal locker and wear your own shoes.

4.5.3 Remove the apron and cap and keep them in personal locker.

Note: Store personnel can move up to QC Department and receipt area (through Otis lift) with stores uniform.

4.6 Entry To The Raw and Packing material stores (For Visitor’s)

4.6.1 Take out the disposable cap and disposable shoe cover from the cupboard fixed on the wall, near entry door.

4.6.2 Wear the disposable cap and visitor can sit on the chair beside that to wear shoe cover over the street shoe.

4.6.3 Press the calling bell beside the entry door.

4.6.4 Store personnel shall press the switch placed either in the office or on the wall just near to the exit door to unlock the door.

4.6.5 Push the door, enter inside and fill the details on Visitor’s Register Provided on the Stand near entry door as per Annexure-I

4.7 Exit From The Raw and Packing material stores (For Visitor’s)

4.7.1 Push the switch to unlock the door, pull the door and exit.

4.7.2 Remove disposable caps and shoes cover and dispose it in “waste bin”.

4.8 Entry to de-dusted area of receipt area from de-dusting area (For All)

4.8.1 Wear shoe cover over your street shoe and disposable caps, which is being kept inside de-dusting area and move to de-dusted area.

4.9 Entry to de-dusted area of receipt area from Lift (for Visitor’s)

4.9.1 Take out the disposable cap and disposable shoe cover from the cupboard fixed on the wall, near entry door.

4.9.2 Wear the disposable cap and visitor can sit on the chair beside that to wear shoe cover over the street shoe.

4.9.3 Enter Lift, operate lift as per instruction given inside, and enter de-dusted area.

4.10 Exit from the de-dusted area of receipt area (For All).

4.10.1 Pull the door, exit from De-dusted area, remove the shoe cover, cap and dispose it in “waste bin”.


 Annexure-I: Visitor’s Register [Not provided here]

Annexure-II: Record for issuance and retrieval of smart card [Not provided here]


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