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HomeHuman Resource and AdministrationSOP for Entry and Exit Procedure for Visitor to Factory Premises

SOP for Entry and Exit Procedure for Visitor to Factory Premises

SOP for Entry and Exit Procedure for Visitor to Factory Premises


To lay down a procedure for entry and exit of Visitor in the Factory Premises.

2.0 SCOPE :

To provide the guidelines for entry and exit of visitor in the Factory Premises.


Visitor, Security Officer / Supervisor, Receptionist, Head– Human Resource & Administration.


4.1 Security Guard shall receive the visitor on the main gate and guide him / her to meet Security Officer / Supervisor. 
4.2 Security Officer / Supervisor shall ask visitor’s name and purpose of visit.
4.3 Security Officer / Supervisor shall confirm the availability and consent of the person to whom the visitor wants to meet through receptionist.
 4.4 If the concerned person is not available the Security Officer / Supervisor shall contact Head – Human Resource & Administration / Designee so that if it is essential the next authorised person can be made available for the visitor.    
4.5 Security Officer / Supervisor will get the required information and enter in the “Visitor Logbook”. (Refer Annexure – I).
4.6 Prepare the “Visitor Gate Pass” and issue it to the visitor along with the “Visitor” Badge. “Visitor” Badge number shall be entered in the “Visitor Gate Pass” (refer Annexure – II and III).
4.7 Advise the visitor to display the “Visitor” Badge in such a way that it is easily visible.
4.8 Important Instruction: Security Officer / Supervisor shall request and ensure that the visitor deposits Cigarettes / Match Box / Lighter and / or Tobacco product at the security gate as smoking and chewing of tobacco and its products are restricted for use in the factory premises.
4.9 Employees who are coming from other locations of [company name], are not required the visitor Badge and visitor slip. They shall make their entries in the register provided at Security Gate for this purpose.
4.10 Security officer / Supervisor shall make direct entry in the register if the employee is Vice President & above category.
4.11 If any family member or other person is coming with Vice President & above category Security officer shall make entry and issue visitor Gate Pass / Badge at Administration block or at the place of their sitting. 
4.12 Security Officer / Supervisor will direct the visitor to the concerned person after providing him complete information so that visitor reaches the person without any difficulty.
4.13 In case the visitor is a Government Officer or Important Guest, the Security Officer / Supervisor shall escort the visitor up to the receptionist.
4.14 Receptionist shall ensure that all visitors if need be are comfortably seated at the Reception or Conference Room.
4.15 Receptionist shall ensure that the visitor if waiting in the reception / Conference Room, are provided with Water / Tea / Coffee / Cold Drink etc.
4.16 Use conference Room or reception hall to interact with the visitor, if there is any need.
4.17 In case visitor’s purpose is to visit the plant, necessary permission shall be taken from the Unit Head or Head production and Head Human Resource jointly.
4.18 Visitor shall follow the “Gowning and De-gowning procedure for Visitors” during entry and exit from the Production Area and other departments as applicable.
4.19 When the purpose of visit is over, visitor shall get the sign on the “Visitor Gate Pass” from the person to whom the visitor has met.
4.20 Visitor shall proceed to the security office and hand over “Visitor” Badge and “Visitor Gate Pass” to the Security Officer / supervisor. Security Officer / supervisor shall confirm the Signature of the person to whom the visitor has met.
4.21 Record of visitor gate pass slip shall be preserved for current and previous day only.


5.1 Annexure – I : Visitor Logbook
5.2 Annexure – II : Visitor Badge
5.3 Annexure – III : Visitor Gate Pass


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