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HomeWarehouseSOP for Receipt of Raw Materials

SOP for Receipt of Raw Materials

SOP for Receipt of Raw Materials


To lay down Procedure for receipt and documentation of Raw Materials

2.0 SCOPE:  

This standard operating procedure (SOP) is applicable for receipt, quarantine storage and documentation of Raw Materials.


3.1 Store Personnel to follow the procedure.

3.2 Store In-charge to ensure compliance of the procedure.


4.1 Receive the receipt documents from security personnel on material arrival.

4.2 Check the receipt documents for following details

• Ensure that consignee name / location.

• Supplier /Manufacturer name and address (check and ensure that materials      are from approved vendor only)

• Availability of Certificate of analysis (COA) / Certificate of compliance (COC), whichever is applicable.

• Purchase order is available for the corresponding material if applicable.

4.3 If any of the criteria’s mentioned above is not matching / available, do not receive the material and handover the documents back to security, and inform purchase dept.

4.4 If receipt documents matches the criteria’s mentioned in point no. 4.2, hand over the documents to security for necessary documentation, afterwards which security shall allow the material inside main gate, to receipt area.

4.5 Incase the material received from inter locations, the item code/P.O. shall be mentioned/available in documents, if detail not available confirm with purchase department for detail.

4.6 Open the shutter and ensure air curtain is running position.

4.7 Check the physical condition inside the truck and ensure there is no spillage of material, if any spillage / dirtiness is observed, Inform Quality Assurance (QA) department as per Annexure-II and follow the instruction of QA.

4.8 Unload the received material in presence of security personnel on HDPE pallets, in “Material De-dusting area” Store the Drums / Bags on pallets, and segregate the material item wise and batch wise.

4.9 De-dust unloaded material using clean & dry cotton cloth/ vacuum cleaner.

4.10 Inspect the received containers for integrity of packing and correctness of labeling. Ensure the manufacturer’s label has following details and cross check the same with receipt documents.

• Name of the material

• Batch number,

• Quantity,

• Name of Manufacturer,

• Manufacturing date and expiry date/ retest date. (If manufacturing and expiry date is given in Month/Year format, the first date of the corresponding month shall be taken as date of manufacturing and first date of the corresponding month shall be taken as the expiry date of the material received for material receipt documentation).

4.11 Accept material by stamping and signing on the seal as per Annexure-IV on the driver’s Challan / L.R, and transfer the material to “Dedusted Material area” after necessary cleaning.

4.12 In case Manufacturer’s approved label is found on material containers, cross (x) each label / “Approved” word by using a black permanent marker pen.

4.13 Weigh the received material and fill “receipt cum inspection report” as per Annexure -I.

4.14 Prepare and take print out in triplicate of Goods Inward Memo (GIM) and mention the damaged quantity (if any) on the remarks column.

4.15 SCM system generates the GIM No and A.R. Number automatically.

4.16 Incase if the material containers are received in damaged condition, affix “Material received in damaged condition” label on each damaged material container and shift the same to “Material Hold Area”.  Inform Quality Assurance (QA) department as per Annexure-II and follow the instruction of QA.

4.17 If the damaged material is rejected by QA on inspection, ensure rejected label is pasted by QA personnel and transfer the material to respective rejected material storage area, and mention the damaged quantity (if any) on the remark column of GIM.

4.18 In case if material is found short, prepare GIM for actual received quantity and generate short receipt report from computer system. Forward one copies each to accounts, BSR and purchase departments and retains one copy for stores records.

4.19 Take print out of quarantined labels, check, sign and affix each label on each bag by using paper tag, and affix the quarantine label on each drum /container, on the left side of supplier’s label (if space is not available on left side of supplier’s label affix the same on a suitable place) and transfer material to under test /quarantine area.

4.20 Store the Quarantined materials in respective Quarantined / under test area according to the storage conditions mentioned on the material container.

4.21 If the manufacturer on material container does not mention storage condition, store as per the storage instruction list (approved by QA) for respective item.

4.22 If storage instruction is not defined in storage instruction list, for a new raw material if any, the list shall be revised according to the storage instruction given by the manufacturer on manufacturer label / COA or according to the RM specification copy, which ever is stringent.

4.23 Ensure the quarantined materials are kept inside the yellow border given in the quarantine / under test area.

4.24 Sign on the “Prepared by” column of the GIM and get it verified by another store personnel by signing on “checked by” column.

4.25 Enter the details of GIM in the GIM register as per Annexure-III. Remove the “Duplicate for transporters copy” (if applicable) and “Receipt Cum Inspection Report”.

4.26 Send the original and duplicate copy of GIM along with other receipt documents to Quality Control (QC) department. QC personnel shall acknowledge the receipt in GIM register.

4.27 File GIM store copy and receipt cum inspection report for record purpose.

4.28 Check the copy of excise invoice (if applicable) for availing CENVAT credit. Affix stamp as per Annexure V on the backside of excise invoice and fill it. Handover the “Duplicate for Transporter” (excise invoice) copy to excise department who shall acknowledge the receipt in GIM register.

Note: -If place is congested in de-dusted material area; received material shall be transferred to quarantine/under test area without affixing quarantined label.

Note: – If GIM is not prepared due to any reasons on the same day of material received for those raw materials which is meant to be stored in controlled condition, transfer the same to respective quarantine areas after affixing the “Material Receipt Status” label at the end of the shift.

Note: If the instruction given in Hindi found wrong (by translation), then treat the Instruction given in English as correct.         


Annexure-I Receipt cum inspection report

Annexure-II Defective Material Report

Annexure-III G.I.M. Register

Annexure-IV Seal for receiving the material

Annexure-V Seal for GIM and CENVAT details


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