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HomeWarehouseSOP for Cleaning, Sanitization and Housekeeping in Raw and Packing Material Stores

SOP for Cleaning, Sanitization and Housekeeping in Raw and Packing Material Stores

SOP for Cleaning, Sanitization and Housekeeping in Raw and Packing Material Stores


To lay down procedure for cleaning, sanitization and housekeeping of Raw / Packing material stores and material receipt area.

2.0 SCOPE:

This Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) covers the cleaning, sanitization and housekeeping in raw and packing material stores and material receipt area.


3.1 Store Personnel to follow the SOP

3.2 Store In charge to ensure compliance


4.1 Floors and Dust Bin Cleaning:

4.1.1 Frequency: At least once in a day.

4.1.2 Collect all the waste materials lying on the floor using nylon/cotton broom and put it in waste bin and sanitise the floor by moping with disinfectant solution.

4.1.3 Close the polythene bags of waste bin (keep it separately and send to scarp yard afterwards) and clean waste bin with wet and dry cotton cloth. Put fresh polythene bags on waste bin.

4.1.4 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.2 Pallet Trolley, Computer, and Furniture’s:

4.2.1 Frequency: At least once in a day

4.2.2 Mop the pallet trolley and furniture using clean wet mop followed by clean dry mop.

4.2.3 Mop the outer parts of computer with clean dry mop.

4.2.4 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.3 Doors, and Windows/ View Panels:

4.3.1 Frequency  – At least once in a weekly.

4.3.2 Mop the doors and windows / view Panels with a wet mop followed by clean dry mop.

4.3.3 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.4 Material Containers, Racks and pallets: 

4.4.1 Frequency – At least once in a fortnightly.

4.4.2 Bring one clean pallet, take out, mop the outer surfaces and transfer the material container to the cleaned pallet with a clean dry mop.

4.4.3 Wipe the rack where the material is being kept with a wet mop. Wipe the unclean pallets where the material was kept with a wet mop and use it for simultaneous cleaning of material containers stored on pallets.

4.4.4 Wipe the outer surface of solvent drums using clean wet mop followed by dry mope

4.4.5 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.5 Drain Point: 

4.5.1 Frequency- At least once in a day. (At the end of the shift)

4.5.2 Scrub the drain point with purified water using nylon brush/ disposable scrubber.

4.5.3 Flush the drain with purified water till the drain point visually cleaned.

4.5.4 Pour disinfectant solution about 1 liters (Approx.) or unused solution at the drain point.

4.5.5 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.6 Wall and Ceiling

4.6.1 Frequency  – At least once in a Month by dry mopping.

4.6.2 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.7 Material receipt area:

4.7.1 Clean the floor and area as per point no. 4.1 to 4.2 during the start of the shift., and Doors, and Windows/ View Panels, wall and ceiling cleaning shall be done as per point  4.3 and 4.6

4.7.2 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.7.2 After receipt of raw material, which is received in bags, run the vacuum cleaner/ cotton mop the accessible portions (from the floor) on wall by dry mop and then on floors by wet mop.

4.8 Lift Cleaning:

4.8.1 Frequency –At least once in a day.

4.8.2 Collect all the waste materials lying on the platform using nylon broom and put them in the waste bin.

4.8.3 Mop inner and outer surfaces of lift and door by mopping with disinfectant solution and then with clean dry cotton mop.

4.8.4 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.

4.9 Cleaning of janitor room and moping Trolley.

4.9.1 Frequency -At least once in a day on completion of cleaning activities.

4.9.2 Wash the Moping Trolley with Portable water and mop with dry cotton cloth.

4.9.3 Wash the floor and mopping with disinfectant solution.

4.9.4 Maintain cleaning record as per attached Annexure.


à Use disinfectant for cleaning as per Annexure X

Always clean from top to bottom i.e. the light fixtures to be cleaned first, followed by ceiling, walls/ view panel and finally the floor.

à Maintain the disinfectant consumption record as per annexure IX, which is used in raw and packing material stores.

à Instructions given in Hindi (by translate) found wrong, then treat the English version as correct.


Annexure-I          Cleaning record for main hall

Annexure-II         Cleaning record for receipt area

Annexure-III        Cleaning record for rejected area (RM)

Annexure-IV        Cleaning record for control temperature room

Annexure-V         Cleaning record for office & A.H.U. room

Annexure-VI        Cleaning record for Wash Area

Annexure-VII      Cleaning record solvent storage room

Annexure-IX        Disinfectant Consumption record

Annexure-X         Approved disinfectants, working concentration and rotation

Annexure-XI        Cleaning records for racks, material containers and pallets


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